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In September 1999, Johns Hopkins medical researchers confirmed that virtually all chronic sinus infections were due to fungus. Not all findiings are that solid. As a matter of fact, few are. Rather, scientists seem confused and startled at their own discoveries with regard to fungus. Fungus makes poisonous byproducts called mycotoxins. Antibiotics are one class of mycotoxins. Without this knowledge, however, many questions are raised when researchers stumble onto this seemingly elementary fact. Recently, researchers have discovered that antibiotics are contributing to everything from 2nd heart attacks to breast cancer. It is our hope that someday when discoveries like these are made, logic will supercede confusion.
By: Doug A. Kaufmann
Many years ago I first learned fungus causes human misery. Long before that, I figured out what most of us knew in our twenties: Our diet dictates our daily performance. In my more naïve years, I tried to persuade physicians to treat fungal diseases with dietary changes, as well as antifungal drugs. I chuckle, ruefully, when I remember those days.
Imagine a fungal infection mimicking a serious endocrine disease such as diabetes! Surely physicians know better! But do they really? What if resolving endocrine diseases were incredibly simple and required only patient education and effort instead of prescriptive medications? Would you change, or would you seek a more simplistic, pill-popping plan which may evolve into a needle/insulin regimen? Your answer to this question could ultimately decide whether you become healthier or live on perscriptions to control symptoms for the rest of your life.
My national radio and TV shows are now yielding many calls from people who were very ill with various symptoms and diseases prior to learning of my "fungal philosophy" an implementing my recommended changes into their lives. Allow me to explain why so many of you are getting better while following our Initial Phase Diet and taking antifungal remedies, either prescriptive or natural.
I believe the root cause of many endocrine diseases is either a poor diet and/or a deep fungal infection, both of which can be easily disguised as a serious medical disorder. Doctors are well trained in diagnosing endocrine disorders within the context of their medical education. But this education negates the importance of clinical nutrition and mycotoxicology (fungal infections capable fo causing human illness and death).
Traditional medical education guidelines dictate that those patients with dry mouth, severe thirst, and excessive urination should have blood extracted for a glucose, (blood sugar), test. If this test indicates a blood sugar level in excess of 120 or so (some can go as high as 1,000+), the doctor may diagnose diabetes, a condition associated with high blood sugar levels. He may then prescribe medication used to regulate the pancreatic gland's blood sugar hormone, insulin. He may also educate the patient to regularly check his blood sugar levels at home. That is often as good as it gets. Am I missing something here? Should not the first words out of a doctor's mouth be, "What did you eat for breakfast today?"
What would you do if you were the doctor? Let's try to figure out this highly complex disease.
Understand, I may be totally incorrect in this observation, but it seems obvious to me that blood sugar levels would almost have to rise when a diet is loaded with carbohydrates and sugar. The body requires fluids to dilute excess sugar intake from the diet. A patient presenting with dry mouth and thirst might, logically, be eating far too much sugar. What do carbohydrates become once ingest and mixed with saliva? Glucose! What happens when our mouths are dry? We drink lots of liquids! And what happens if those liquids are soda pop, alcohol, or products used to "replenish electrolytes" in lieu of water - vital water which would quickly dilute the excess glucose? Right again! More sugar and more glucose enter the blood stream! Finally, what does excessive liquid intake logically lead to? Correct again! Urination! As a matter of fact, excessive urination!
When thyroids become under active, the adrenals become exhausted and the pancreas ceases hormonal regulation. Something is terribly wrong. I would love to list 50 doctors in the United States who understand anything other than running expensive tests and prescribing time-released relief. Unfortunately, I have not found many who will take the time required to learn about the role of fungus in endocrine malfunctions. Once again, most see upwards of eight patients and hour, have large overheads, and are quite comfortable writing prescriptions.
Before long, we the people will demand answers. At that time, I can assure you that all of you will need only refer to the books we have written to find that the answers were already there!
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